Wisata Kuliner Ekstrim di Wangfujing Street Beijing

The Mall at Oriental Plaza/Wangfujing Snack Street is much like London’s Oxford Street or New York’s fifth Avenue, Wangfujing street holds a strong pull for Beijing visitors. It was one of Beijing’s first major shopping streets after former leader deng Xiaoping’s economic reform in the 1980s. And chief amongst these shops is the mails atContinueContinue reading “Wisata Kuliner Ekstrim di Wangfujing Street Beijing”

Mengitari Old Summer Palace (Ruins of Yuanmingyuan)

Old Summer Palace also known as the Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan (the Garden of Perfection and Light) was first constructed in the year of 1709 during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Over the next 150 years of the Qing Dynasty, this Garden was expanded to be a large-scale Chinese emperors’ContinueContinue reading “Mengitari Old Summer Palace (Ruins of Yuanmingyuan)”

Catatan perjalan ke Candi Gedong Songo Semarang

Candi Gedong Songo temple is a complex located in the foothill of Ungaran mount, exactly in Candi village, Ambarawa town subdistrict which 12 km from Ungaran town. Gedong Songo temple belongs to one of Hindu culture remains of Syailendra Dynasty in 9th century. It is also tourist attraction with cool wether and beautiful natural sceneryContinueContinue reading “Catatan perjalan ke Candi Gedong Songo Semarang”

10 Benda yang Wajib dibawa saat Travelling

Hello World.. Bicara tentang travelling baik itu ala backpacker atau bukan, baik untuk jalan-jalan atau eksplore tempat wisata maka jauh-jauh hari harus sudah mempersiapkan segala kepeluanya. Nah berdasarkan pengalamanku setidaknya 10 benda yang wajib dibawa saat travelling. 10 Benda yang wajib dibawa ketika hendak Travelling 1. Kamera plus chargernya Yang satu ini memang wajib dibawaContinueContinue reading “10 Benda yang Wajib dibawa saat Travelling”

Tips Cara Web Check in Air Asia

Hello world! Tulisan ini khusus buat teman-teman yang baru pertama kali melakukan web check in, sama kayak aku waktu mendapat tiket soalnya belum pernah makanya cari-cari tutorial langkah melakukan web check in sampai akhirnya bisa juga hehehhhee 😀 Cukup mudah ternyata dan langkah web check in sebagai berikut: 1. Masuk ke web airasia 2. LihatContinueContinue reading “Tips Cara Web Check in Air Asia”