Catatan perjalan ke Candi Gedong Songo Semarang

Candi Gedong Songo temple is a complex located in the foothill of Ungaran mount, exactly in Candi village, Ambarawa town subdistrict which 12 km from Ungaran town. Gedong Songo temple belongs to one of Hindu culture remains of Syailendra Dynasty in 9th century. It is also tourist attraction with cool wether and beautiful natural sceneryContinueContinue reading “Catatan perjalan ke Candi Gedong Songo Semarang”

Berburu Wisata Semarang dengan Jalan Kaki

We walked together at the night to go around Semarang just to find an old cake shop and restaurant called Toko Oen not far from the Kota Lama (Old City or Oudstadt, and also ‘Little Netherlands’) on Pemuda Street, started from Simpang lima Semarang to Lawang Sewu then into Parangon Mall Semarang. Hello World! Travelling ke Semarang luar biasa karenaContinueContinue reading “Berburu Wisata Semarang dengan Jalan Kaki”